
今天是国际啤酒日! 我叫托尼·托巴克. 我是柏斯托动物营养品公司的市场传讯经理, 但我也是一个狂热的家庭酿酒者. Working at Perstorp, made me realize the many similarities between my daily work and brewing beer.

国际啤酒日 takes place on the first Friday of August and has three declared purposes:
• 与朋友聚会,享受啤酒的味道.
• 庆祝那些负责酿造和供应啤酒的人.
• 在啤酒的旗帜下团结世界, 通过在同一天庆祝所有国家的啤酒.

As an avid home brewer I have come to see a lot of similarities between brewing beer and my daily work at Perstorp. When I started working for Perstorp 动物营养 a strange new world opened up for me as I had dropped most exact sciences as soon as I got the opportunity, 而是专注于营销传播方面的教育. 现在我在一个动物饲料、性能和化学的世界里. 我需要赶上进度. By no str等h of the imagination am I an expert today but my hobby helped me to understand a lot of day to day topics from work better and vice versa. 我该好好想想了, 从啤酒的原料开始:水, 麦芽(发芽和干谷物), 酵母和啤酒花.

水是啤酒的主要成分. It’s under-emphasized among home brewers but adjusting your water profile will greatly improve the resulting beer. 用盐和酸调整水剖面, 其中一些也在我们的行业中发挥着作用. Lactic acid is often used to lower the pH of the water before mashing a better conversion of the starches from the malts into sugar and t在这里fore a beer that ferments better. 碳酸钙, 硫酸钙, calcium chloride and a few others are used to adjust the water profile to highlight specific flavors or adjust mouthfeel to the style that is being brewed.

谷物是任何啤酒和许多动物饲料的基础. Barley is the main grain used in beer brewing but wheat and corn are also used quite often. Oats, rye and even rice are used less often but do all have their purpose in brewing. For brewing the grains are germinated and then dried to unlock enzymes and starches. The spent grain husks that are left after the brewing process are an important traded commodity in animal feed.

T在这里 is a saying in the brewing world: brewers make wort (sugary liquid extracted from the malts) and yeast makes beer. 不含酵母、酒精或其他风味化合物. 酵母因其营养价值而被用于动物营养. In some cultures the yeast residue in the bottle of a beer is considered a delicacy for that reason. Working for Perstorp has made me understand what yeasts do in terms of chemical processes.

Hops are not used or referenced a lot in our industry, though they have been researched for their 防腐剂的功能 (啤酒花在啤酒中的最初用途)等等 性能参数.

Of course acids are at the core of most of our activities at Perstorp 动物营养. In our business it’s organic acids such as propionic acid preserving grains and feed, in beer brewing it’s the so-called alpha acids derived from hops that have that same purpose. Acids and acidity also have a role in brewing especially once you start improving after those first few batches or start looking for particular challenges. Targeting a very specific mash pH with lactic or phosphoric acid enables the enzymes to extract more sugars from the mash. Lactic acid and lactic acid bacteria (commonly used for silage preservation) are used in sour beers such as Belgian Geuze beers and German Gose’s or Berliner Weisses.

抗氧化剂对我来说也一直是个谜. They still are, but reading about them from a brewing perspective has helped to narrow that gap. 在酿造过程中,氧化是比赛中常见的错误. Aging hoppy beers are especially prone to this and will develop a ‘cardboard flavor’. T在这里fore – similar to feed ingredients – contact with oxygen (including dissolved oxygen) needs to be as limited as possible.

Though enzymes are no longer a part of our portfolio, I was around to work with them for a while. 在我开始酿酒之前,有人给我解释一下他们是怎么做的, 在我读的第一本酿造书中,这是一个很容易掌握的话题. Especially creating visual re演讲 of how lipase releases butyric acid from tributyrins in the intestines was a great aid. In brewing amylase enzymes convert starch to sugar and then the yeast converts the sugars to alcohol. In animal production xylanase and beta-glucanase convert non-starch polysaccharides of grains into simpler sugars to improve feed digestibility. The latter enzyme is sometimes also stimulated in brewing (by providing the perfect temperature for it) to break down beta-glucans in beers that are likely to produce a highly sticky wort.

Some of our products use the synergetic effects of the combination of organic acids with essential oils. 类似的油可以从啤酒花中提取出来,制成芳香的啤酒花啤酒.

化学 is all around us 在这里 at Perstorp and you can’t help but get the occasional introductory class from one of our specialists. 这对我了解分子有很大帮助, how they are related and how they can be modified into simpler or more complex forms for specific purposes. Esters are a great example: we esterify propionic, butyric and valeric acid for several key benefits. 在一些啤酒中,酯类也是微妙果味的重要来源. Especially classic Belgian and 英语 beers or German Weizens can be high in ester content.

可能还有更多. 你也是酿造爱好者吗? 让我知道你在酿造和你的工作之间还发现了什么相似之处. 或者你可以制作另一种形式的饮料或食物,你看到了相似之处? 我们很想听听! 如果你是一个啤酒爱好者:今晚在国际啤酒日来一杯吧!

你可以找到具体的 relations between beer and silage 在这里>>




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